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Striation 6

33 Davisville Avenue, Toronto, ON
1 reviews
Claim this business Last updated: Over a year ago
About Striation 6

The success of most businesses in the fitness industry is predicated on your failure. At the Striation 6 Exercise and Performance Centre, we’re different. We are constantly working to create health fo Go to full description...

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Striation 6, Toronto Reviews (1)

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By Lucia Rozborova on Apr 02, 2008
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So one day you wake up and you are 30. You do the crazy jump out of the plane stunt, all hyped up celebrated the “over the hill” leap with enthusiasm and big smiles … WHAT OVER THE HILL?” ….

Ya … then another day you wake up and you are:
- 31 ½,
- 140 pounds,
- constantly tired with lack of energy,
- this hurts & that cracks,
- your ass has grown out of nowhere (not the boobs, just the ass and maybe the thighs too),
- love handles that a cliff hanger would safely hang on are poofing (read rising) over your belt in the pants you no longer fit into (or no longer can even button up) – think pillsbury.

WTF!!! How did this happen? .. and .. WHEN!

I guess somewhere in between the bagels in the morning and the bottle of wine with cheese & crackers for dinner. Ok .. and popcorn afterwards – I confess, I am a popcorn junkee, and it always starts with the “well I deserve” and I always fall for it.

Luckily I woke up one day and had this epiphany: Lutz, Lutz .. If you don’t do anything about this now, it will definitely be over for you after you turn 40. And that is true, I have seen this happen and I can’t be the one that this happens to .. mostly if I plan to have family. I have to be somewhere in the close vicinity of what should we call it … MILF!

And that was it .. picking up the rolodex, I need to get back to shape ASAP. But no drastic solutions, no dieting, something I can manage and keep up with forever. I need to start eating what my body needs but my mind agrees with. I am looking for permanent and overall harmonious lifestyle that reflects my high but reasonable standards. Wow, I totally psyched myself up.

Brad? HI!!! How are you!! .. good good .. you? Great but could be better, listen, I need help. I need to loose 8 pounds in 3 weeks, what do you think, mission impossible? Well .. hmm .. not really, but you have to do exactly what I say and stick to it. Ok deal (crunching my teeth).

So I signed up for 12 pilates lessons (at striation6) to start – 3 times a week. Just to see if the 8 pounds will melt away.

First day comes and I am getting excited. I really thought I would be dreading it but I am really hyped up. I guess I knew if I don’t do it now, it will never happen. So I did it. I showed up to my first class. WOOHOO, the worst part is over – or so I thought (the second worst one was waking up on Saturday for early morning class – 10am – totally unheard of for me)

I met Jessica, an amazing instructor, who’s attitude and knowledge of your body abilities & limits is quite surprising. Nothing slips her sight. No cheating gets unnoticed and uncorrected. Repetition of movements till you get it right. The personal approach in the early stage of learning of the exercise is crucial and I really understand the benefit of smaller group exercise and personal supervision of every movement you make. You can work out like a madman and never get results – only because you are not aware you are not doing it right = efficiently.

But that is not my case because I already see some small results. I gained awareness of my posture and how my body moves, and the ability to correct it more effortlessly. My swimming technique has improved a bit only because of proper breathing technique and use of abdominal muscles that I didn’t know I had, resulting in extra 5 laps accomplished.

I only had 2 classes by now but I am hooked. I feel really good and my whole body is already more relaxed and fluid. And I didn’t know that it wasn’t relaxed or tense. I also have scoliosis and work with computers all day long and plus some so proper posture is a must. I also noticed change in my mental wellbeing. Feeling good inside gives you and immediate dose of positive outlook. And that is also very important in this hectic always so busy lifestyle. You never know, maybe I stop being such a bitch sometimes ;-)

I can’t wait to see, what other changes are going to keep happening and I will definitely let you know about it, my report on the results will be up on weekly basis. Lets all hope its gonna be impressive!


PS: some before & after photos may come too, just not sure yet if i wanna admit to ath 140 pounds visually!


- after almost 2 weeks, lost 4 pounds and 2 inches off of my waist

- week 3: lost another 1.5 pounds, didn't measure the inches but i have a bad feeling it didn't decrease

- another 4 days later - gained 2 pound back lol WTF (water retention? ;-)

- next wednesday - IT BETTER BE UNDER 135 POUNDS!
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The success of most businesses in the fitness industry is predicated on your failure. At the Striation 6 Exercise and Performance Centre, we’re different. We are constantly working to create health for, change the lives of, and give back to you, our clients, through the exercise ExPerience™. And that ExPerience™, just like the way we spell it, is different from the norm; and, it goes beyond the usual or expected.
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