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Canadian Windows and Doors

1611-4978 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About Canadian Windows and Doors

Canadian Windows operates under one basic premise; our approach to the manufacturing process is based upon the philosophy that if we can control the supply chain and coordinate that with the manufacturing process our goals can be achieved. Go to full description...

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Every window vinyl window manufacturer strives for quality in their product line. The question is, are they willing to commit both time and the financial resources to achieve that goal. When you take into account a highly competitive marketplace and manufacturing technology that can change on a daily basis, the end result can make or break a manufacturer. Canadian Windows Industries has seen the results of these problems throughout the industry and has taken the necessary steps to safeguard their operation from these pitfalls. As one of Canada’s largest vinyl window and door manufacturers, we know through experience that a quality product is not solely based upon performance and aesthetics, but is achieved through an integrated system that maintains control from start to finish. Canadian Windows operates under one basic premise; our approach to the manufacturing process is based upon the philosophy that if we can control the supply chain and coordinate that with the manufacturing process our goals can be achieved. This is no doubt easier said than done but Canadian Windows is committed to this philosophy and we are well on our way to accomplishing these goals. While most manufacturers look to their suppliers for help Canadian Windows has invested in a state of the art manufacturing facility that allows them to mix their own compounds, design and extrude their own profiles, produce their own insulated glass units all under one roof.
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